Exhibit Information
February 7, 2002
Metro Tech
1900 Springlake Drive
Conference Center
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
OKAEE Exhibitor letter.
Printable exhibit application.
Exhibit space is $75 per booth, which includes one conference registration, which includes lunch. This year we are offering exhibit space for non-profits at the reduced rate of $50.
Please indicate category on application form.
Exhibit Equipment
One 6' x 18" table and two chairs
You must specify on the application if you need electricity. Electricity cannot be made available the day of the show.
Exhibitor set-up hours are 7:00 AM-8:00 AM February 7. All exhibits must be set up by 8:00 AM.
Exhibit Hours
8:00AM to 4:00 PM, February 7.
After 4:00 PM, February 7.
Parking is available anywhere that is not marked reserved or handicapped. There is no cost.
Deadline for reserving exhibit space is January 16, 2002.
Refunds cannot be made after February 1, 2001.
There will be a $25 charge for cancellations made before that day.
Exhibit cost includes one conference registration, which includes one lunch. For additional conference registration information, visit the OKAEE Website at www.okaee.org/eeexpo/ or contact Marci Hawkins at (918) 455-7595 or mhawkins at webzone.net
DO NOT send additional registrations in with exhibit application.
Contact Melissa Sims, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality at (405) 702-4113 or Melissa.sims at deq.state.ok.us.
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