Expo 2003
Click here for a pdf of the 2003 OKAEE EE Expo Agenda

February 12
5:00-8:00 am Set up Exhibits
February 13
7:30 am Set up Exhibits
8:00 am Registration and Exhibits
9:00-9:45 Welcome and Introductions
Keynote Speaker: Kim Doner
9:50-10:35 Concurrent Sessions
LENS I: Oklahoma's Biodiversity

"Oklahoma's Plant Biodiversity"
Dr. Ron Tyrl

LENS II: Cultural Diversity

"Asian Perspectives on Nature"
Jerry WuTina

LENS III: Community Diversity

"World Summit Overview"
Beth Caniglia and Nicole Cosmann

LENS IV: Education for Diversity

Fran Stallings

10:40-11:30 Concurrent Sessions
LENS I: Oklahoma's Biodiversity

Claudine Daniels and Tom Creider

LENS II: Cultural Diversity

Julian Agyeman

LENS III: Community Diversity

Dr. Sara Kimball, Mike Smolen and Billie Chambers

LENS IV: Education for Diversity

"Art of the Science and Science of Art"
Kim Doner

11:30-12:30 Luncheon Speaker: Emilio Williams
12:00-12:30 Exhibits
12:35-1:20 Concurrent Sessions
LENS I: Oklahoma's Biodiversity

"Little River Zoo"
Angie Savage

LENS II: Cultural Diversity

Carl Barnes

LENS III: Community Diversity

"Ag in the Classroom"
Mary Ann Kelsey

LENS IV: Education for Diversity

"What is an Environmental Scientist?"
Dr. Will Focht

1:25-3:00 Closing Session: Bringing the Lenses Together to Focus as One led by Julian Agyeman
3:00-4:00 Book Signings/snacks

Break-out session leaders:
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