Oklahoma Association for Environmental Education
2004 Environmental Education Expo

Theme: "Winds of Change"


Session One: Loving the Land
Sue Gray, Horticulturist, Tulsa Co. OSU Extension
People who love their natural resources will protect and conserve. Teaching people to love the land means helping them to know about the land over which they walk.
Session Two: Team Time
Bob Coffey, Public School Educator, Wyandotte, OK
Bob will cover the basics of incorporating a volunteer monitoring program in his school's science curriculum, and he will emphasize how educators can find ways to teach natural resource stewardship to their students.
Session Three: Caring Is Not Enough
Elizabeth Caniglia, Department of Sociology, OSU
Pro-environmental attitudes are not necessarily indicative of pro-environmental behavior. It takes more than "concern" to boost people into action. Winds of Change Beth will give us some exciting insights and suggestions on moving people to action!
Session Four: Why Wind, Why Now?
David Branecky, Oklahoma Gas Energy Corp
OGE is taking important steps to use wind power. Attend this session to learn more about OGE's philosophy concerning this positive move.

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