7:30 am
Registration opens
8:30 am
Conference Opening in the Robert S. Kerr Auditorium
Keynote Address - Claudine Daniel
9:30 am
Break in the Great Hall
(Exhibits & Silent Auction open; refreshments provided)
9:45 am
Concurrent Session I
- Auditorium - Using GIS in the Classroom, Shellie Willoughby, OK Conservation Commission
- Plains Classroom - Winds of Change: Ten Events that Impacted History in
Oklahoma and Beyond, Derek Arndt and Andrea Melvin,
OK Climate Survey
- Woodland Classroom - The Habitat Show, Heather Weathers,
Tulsa World Newspaper in Education
10:45 am
Break in the Great Hall
11:00 am
Concurrent Session II
- Auditorium - NASA Earth Science Programs, Pam Christol, NSU-Broken Arrow
- Plains Classroom - Eco Detectives and the Environment, Mary Oppegard,
Council on Economic Education
- Woodland Classroom - Ag in the Classroom, Jamey Allen, OK Dept. of Ag, Food, & Forestry
12:15 pm
Awards Presentation in the Robert S. Kerr Auditorium
12:45 pm
Lunch in Pleistocene Plaza (under the mammoth)
2:00 pm
SNOMNH Behind-the-Scenes tours
3:30 pm
Closing Session, Door Prizes, Silent Auction pickup (refreshments provided)