2008 Expo
The NSU-BA campus (aerial photo by Mel Root, July 2007)

Oklahoma Association for Environmental Education

2008 Environmental Education Expo
Thursday, February 7th, 2008
Northeastern State University’s Broken Arrow campus


Agenda & Speakers



Register Online
OKAEE Awards

Teacher Registration Waivers


Silent Auction

Onsite registrations will take place the day of the conference
February 8th, from 7:30 - 8:30 am

We’ve all been to conferences where we got excited and re-energized and renewed our commitment to environmental education and decided we were going to do all these wonderful things to “Save the Environment.” But when we got home, reality and the daily grind seemed to get in the way and we never really did anything different. Well, we’re going to change all that at the 2008 EE Expo! This year’s conference will motivate you, inspire you and give you the tools to do

EE...Not Just Today, but Everyday!
The 2008 Environmental Education Expo will include breakout sessions on:

OKAEE Awards

OKAEE recognizes excellence in environmental education by presenting the following awards: Click here for more information and nomination forms.

For questions, contact Richard Bryant at 405.744.8005 or richard.bryant [at] okstate [dot] edu
OR Ande Reed at 918.579.9425 or ande [at] metrecycle [dot] com.

Educator Registration Fee Waiver Application

If you are interested in joining us at Expo February 7, 2008 and are a teacher or students the deadline for waiver applications has been extended to Friday January 25, 2008. Please answer the following questions and submit them to Holli Langlieb at hlanglieb [at] ou [dot] edu.
Spaces are limited and applications are first come first serve. You will be notified by Monday January 28, 2008.

Click here for a printable application (PDF).


This is a great place to network and get lots of cool environmental education ideas and goodies. Set up will be Wednesday, Feb. 6 from 6-9 pm and Thursday, Feb. 7 from 7-8 am

If you are interested in an exhibit (or any other type of sponsorship) please contact Melissa Willis, conservationeducator [at] yahoo [dot] com or click here for more information and to register online.

Silent Auction

Proceeds from this annual conference event allow OKAEE to offer teacher stipends to the conference.


Click here for directions.

Concurrent sessions are in Building E (Library Building). Everything else is in Building A. The front entrance to A is on the south side of the building.

NSU-BA campus map

Hotel Information

If you would like to make hotel reservations, may we suggest?

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
Hotel Front Desk: 1-918-3553200
Hotel Fax: 1-918-3553443

The hotel is offering the government rate of $79. Each room contains two double beds and breakfast is complimentary. It's also close to restaurants and Bass Pro Shop.

There are 20 rooms reserved for Feb. 6th. Individuals must book the rooms with a credit card by Jan. 23. For reservations phone or reserve online from following link. Be sure to tell them you are with OKAEE.

Reserve Online

If you have any further questions feel free to contact:
Pamela Christol at christol [at] nsuok [dot] edu or at (918) 449-6539.


Registration fees include award luncheon.

EE Expo Archives

Click here to enjoy photos, awards, and conference details from past EE Expos.