2007 Conference Registration
$35 Conference Registration (by Jan. 26)
$25 Special Student rate (by Jan. 26)
Both registration fees include lunch and OKAEE membership
--Add $15 late fee if postmarked after January 26
Registration Form
On-site registrations will be take place the day of the conference beginning at 7:30am
Make checks for registration payable to: OKAEE (FEI #73-1529225) and return form with payment to:
PO Box 2382
Stillwater, OK 74076-2382
Teacher Registration Waivers
With the generous help of last year’s Silent Auction winners, 34 educators will be able to attend OKAEE’s annual
environmental expo at no cost. Preference will be given to formal classroom teachers but informal educators will
also be considered. Informal educators should list their agency name under school, and answer the remaining questions
as well. College students may also apply. Due to lack of funds, high school students won’t be considered for fee
waivers. All blanks must be filled in. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
The deadline for consideration of a registration waiver is January 15, 2007.
Hotel Information
Holiday Inn Northwest, 6200 N. Robinson, OKC, OK, 73118. (405) 843-5558. State rate of $67.00 for double rooms. Our block of rooms will be released on February 1, 2006. You may book online at http://www.okchotel.com/
Registration Questions?
Contact Karla Beatty, EE Expo Chair, at karlab [at] okcc [dot] state [dot] ok [dot] us
or 405/521-2384.
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