Through the annual awards program, OKAEE encourages the recognition of outstanding individuals, classroom teachers, students, news media and organizations demonstrating excellence in environmental education. Descriptions of the awards and past recipients are listed below.
LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD recognizes an Oklahoma educator who is working in a formal or non-formal environmental education setting. Nominee should exhibit a lifetime personal and professional commitment to environmental education that exemplifies the values and mission of OKAEE. This category may not be presented every year.
PRESIDENTS ACHIEVEMENT AWARD recognizes an Oklahoma educator performing in a formal or non-formal setting. Nominee should exhibit personal and professional commitment to environmental education and have demonstrated outstanding achievement in the field during the past year.
CLASSROOM TEACHER AWARD recognizes a certified Oklahoma classroom teacher who incorporates environmental education as a major focus in their curriculum. They should influence students/school/community in environmental education, awareness, knowledge and action. This award includes a modest cash prize.
OUTSTANDING HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE STUDENT AWARD recognizes a student who has been instrumental in implementation of activities or major projects in environmental science/education on their campus or in their community. This award includes a modest cash prize.
OUTSTANDING ORGANIZATION AWARD recognizes an organization or corporation with a demonstrated track record in environmental education. It should be a sponsor of major projects and activities in Oklahoma that emphasize sound environmental education and stewardship.
EXCELLENCE IN MEDIA AWARD recognizes an individual, group, program or publication supporting environmental education in Oklahoma through accurate and objective media coverage. All media forms will be considered.