The 2017 Oklahoma Environmental Education Expo
Conference Summary
The 20th Oklahoma Environmental Education Expo was held at Oklahoma City University’s Sarkeys Science & Math Center on Friday, February 3, 2017. A total of 106 educators attended the conference and 11 agencies/organizations had exhibit booths. The theme for this year’s EE Expo was “Putting the STEM in S.T.E.M.”. The opening session featured a keynote address from Casey Hentges, the television host of “Oklahoma Gardening” on OETA . Conference attendees had a variety of choices for the concurrent sessions, all focused on some aspect of gardening. We gathered back together at the end of the day for fun door prizes. All conference participants received an OKAEE lapel pin, OKAEE reusable Chico Bag, OKAEE Reusable Mug, gardening tools and herb, vegetable and flower seeds.
Click here to view the Conference Program
To read the session descriptions click here.
Thank you to this year’s sponsors!
We have great exhibitors
Click on the logos to visit websites
Thank you to our Presenters! Click on each one to learn more.
Oklahoma Gardening: Casey Hentges
SixTwelve: Amy Young, Paul Mayes, and Julia Goldstein Roff
OSU Extension – Horiculture: Dr. Shelley Mitchell
Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom: Cheri Long
Beyond the Classroom, St. Mary’s Episcopal School: Donna Mackiewicz and Students
Rogers County Conservation District: Robert Gibbs
Oklahoma Forestry Services/OK Project Learning Tree: Jeri Irby
Norman High School Aquaponics: Adam Lifsics
OSU Extension – Solid Waste: Lynn Malley
Oklahoma City University Montessori: Charlotte Wood-Wilson
Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma – Urban Harvest: Mason Weaver
Oklahoma County Cooperative Extension Service: Ceci Leonard, Judy Morton, Sue Hart