Oklahoma Association for Environmental Education
2004 Environmental Education Expo

Theme: "Winds of Change"


8:15 - 9:00 am Registration and Exhibits
9:00 - 9:15 am Welcome and Introductions
9:15 - 10:00 am Miles Tolbert, Oklahoma Secretary of the Environment "State of the State"
Overview of Oklahoma's environmental issues and what citizens can do to help.
10:00 - 10:20 am Break and Exhibits
10:20 - 11:45 am Keynote Address: Dr. William Hammond
"Taking Personal Action to Create A Sustainable Community"
12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 - 1:15 pm Break and Exhibits
1:15 - 2:00 pm Concurrent Sessions Click for session details.
2:00 - 2:30 pm Break/Cookies in exhibit area
2:30 - 4:15 pm (1) Mini-workshop with Dr. Hammond:
"Creative Journal Keeping" - or -
(2) Update on "Impacts on Oklahoma EE by National Organizations" with Gina Lagaly (NAAEE), Suzanne Spradling (EETAP) and Christina Stallings (PLT)

"State of the State"
- Miles Tolbert
State of Oklahoma, Secretary of Environment
Secretary Tolbert will provide a "kickoff" to our environmental expo that offers an overview of Oklahoma's environmental issues with a slant toward the obstacles that citizens - as individuals or as a group - can address.

Secretary Tolbert's performance in his present position, and in past positions, speaks for his interest in Oklahoma's environment. He has been our Secretary for Environment for just over a year, and previously he was the Chief of the Environmental Protection Unit for the Oklahoma Attorney General's Office.

"Taking Personal Action to Create A Sustainable Community"
- Dr. William Hammond
Our keynote speaker, Dr. Bill Hammond, will share with us the ingredients for growing community members who have a sense of place, are ecologically literate, and have a vision of what a sustainable community looks and feels like.

Belief in the "Power of One" comes from engagement and empowerment that grows when you first know that you can and do take conscious action to change yourself to be a more informed person who makes conscious responsible choices. Dr. Hammond will provide us with the success story of how Florida's Lee County School's Environmental Education Program has helped to foster people who are willing to make sacrifices and are committed to making a difference on this planet.

Dr. Hammond is a professor at Florida Gulf Coast University College of Arts and Sciences, and is one of the founding full-time faculty members. He is in the divisions of Ecological, Marine, and Interdisciplinary Studies. Dr. Hammond is also president of Natural Context Consulting. A good friend to environmental education in Oklahoma, Dr. Hammond has been a part of several past Environmental Expos and environmental education events in our state.

“Impacts on Oklahoma EE by National Organizations”
Updates from three Oklahomans involved in national initiatives:

Christina Stallings, Education Coordinator for Forestry Services (Project Learning Tree/PLT);

Gina Lagaly, Director of OK Kids in Environmental Education and originator of Eco-motion mobile EE program (North American Association for Environmental Education/NAAEE);

Suzanne Spradling, PhD, Dean of Education, St. Gregory’s College and Project Director of the Oklahoma Consortium for EE (Environmental Education Training and Partnerships/EETAP)

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Conference Registration.

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