Oklahoma Association for Environmental Education
2005 Environmental Education Expo


8:00 am Registration
Exhibits and Silent Auction Opens
8:30 am Welcome and Keynote Address Miles Tolbert, OK Secretary of Environment
  Track A:
Bringing the Environment Into Your Classroom
Track B:
Getting Students Out of the Classroom
Track C:
Outdoor Learning Centers
9:30 am EE Curriculum... What's Already Out There?
Richard Bryant, OSU
Discover all the curriculum choices available to Oklahoma Educators.
Destination�the Great Outdoors
Tom Creider, State Parks
Discover resources and opportunities available at city, state and federal parks.
So, You Want an Outdoor Classroom�
Karla Beatty, OCC
Get tips on planning, designing and funding your own outdoor classroom.
10:30 am What's Your Ecological Footprint?
Susie Shields, DEQ
Where in the World is My Conservation District?
Keith Owen, RCCD
Learn about your local conservation district and how they can help with your EE efforts.
Build It and They Will Come�or Will They?
Robert Gibbs, RCCD
Learn how to get students & teachers involved in an outdoor classroom and how to deal with operation and maintenance issues.
11:30 am Flora & Fauna in the Classroom
Lisa Anderson, ODWC
Karen Rogers, educator

Find out how to use live plants and animals in the classroom
All Aboard the Field Trip Express
Ellen Bussert, DEQ
Get ideas for other unique and engaging environmental field trips.
PASSing an Outdoor Classroom
Suzanne Spradling, St. Gregory's College Learn how to integrate an outdoor classroom into your existing school curriculum.
12:30 pm Awards Luncheon
2:00 pm From A to Z�Project Ideas for EE - Come & Go share fair of successful environmental education projects and programs from across the state. Visit with educators in all disciplines who are actively involved with EE and get ideas to take home.
Exhibits Open
3:30 pm Closing Reception (door prize drawings & conference evaluation incentives)

Click here for the: Conference Registration.

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