Oklahoma Association for Environmental Education
2007 Environmental Education Expo
Thursday, February 8, 2007
The Sam Noble Museum of Natural History
Onsite registrations will be take place the day of the conference
February 8th, from 7:30 - 8:30 am
This year's EE Expo allows us to re-focus on our mission statement, which is to:
- Create a networking system to facilitate discussion and resource
sharing among Oklahoma environmental educators.
- Encourage, promote and assist in the development and dissemination of
environmental education.
- Conduct and support environmental education programs in the state.
- Recognize exemplary efforts in environmental education.
The conference theme for this conference is, “From Dust... to Dreams”.
a century of Environmental Education in Oklahoma
Any discussion of environmental education in Oklahoma should begin with the history of
Oklahoma and our ties to land and water resources in this great state. Environmental
Education in Oklahoma really began when the state was still in its infancy. In the 1930s, the Dust
Bowl taught us many environmental lessons in Oklahoma - perhaps the most valuable was to
take care of the land.
Since that time in history, Oklahoma has made great strides in educating our citizens on
the importance of conserving our natural resources and protecting our environment.
Oklahoma is a leader in many environmental and natural resource management arenas with
technology as well as education and outreach efforts. We continue to make advances so that all
Oklahomans can achieve their dreams.
Some of these exceptional programs and resources will be showcased at the 2007
Environmental Education Expo, especially the host site, the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of
Natural History. Additional sessions at the EE Expo include:
- Using GIS in the Classroom
- OK Climatological Survey
- Tulsa World Newspaper in Education
- Ag in the Classroom
- Economics and the Environment
- NASA’s Earth Science program
- Behind-the-Scenes tours
So join OKAEE as we celebrate a century of environmental education in Oklahoma by going
From Dust to Dreams…
OKAEE Awards
OKAEE recognizes excellence in environmental education by presenting the following awards:
- President’s Achievement
- Outstanding Classroom Teacher
- Outstanding Student
- Outstanding Organization
- Excellence in Media
Click here for more information and nomination forms.
For questions, contact Richard Bryant at 405.744.8005 or richard.bryant@okstate.edu
OR Ande Reed at 918.579.9425 or ande@metrecycle.com.
Teacher Registration Waivers
With the generous help of last year’s Silent Auction winners, 34 educators will be able to attend OKAEE’s annual
environmental expo at no cost. Preference will be given to formal classroom teachers but informal educators will
also be considered. Informal educators should list their agency name under school, and answer the remaining questions
as well. College students may also apply. Due to lack of funds, high school students won’t be considered for fee
waivers. All blanks must be filled in. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
The deadline for consideration of a registration waiver is January 15, 2007.
This is a great place to network and get lots of cool environmental education ideas and goodies. Set up will be
Wednesday, Feb. 7 from 6-9 pm and Thursday, Feb. 8 from 7-8 am
If you are interested in an exhibit (or any other type of sponsorship) please contact Melissa Willis,
conservationeducator@yahoo.com or click here for more
information and to register online.
Silent Auction
Proceeds from this annual conference event allow OKAEE to offer teacher stipends to the conference. If you
would like to donate an item for the auction, please contact Elicia Ligon at 405.377.7075 or
Registration fees include award luncheon.
Through January 26 (either via mail or online):
$25 Members
$35 Non-Members
$25 Special Student Rate
Add $15 late fee if postmarked after Jan. 26 (lunch not guaranteed after Jan. 26)
Late registration after January 26 (onsite only)
Onsite registrations will be take place the day of the conference, February 8th, from 7:30 - 8:30 am :
$40 member rate or
$50 regular conference registration or
$40 student rate.
Note: Late registrations won't be guaranteed lunch
EE Expo Archives
Click here to enjoy photos, awards, and conference details from past EE Expos.