OK City Zoo, Jan 30, 2009

Oklahoma Association for Environmental Education
2009 Environmental Education Expo

Friday, January 30, 2009
8:30 am - 3:30pm
OKC Zoo Rosser Conservation Education Center



Agenda & Speakers



Online registration is now closed.
OKAEE Awards

Teacher Registration Waivers
Exhibitor Contract


Silent Auction


Agenda & Speakers

Tracking Across the Curriculum

As educators today, we all face the challenges presented by national education Legislation - you know, that 4-letter word "NCLB" (No Child Left Behind). The Important thing for us to remember, and share with fellow educators, is that environmental education doesn’t have to be "another subject to teach." Environmental education activities and concepts can be used to teach almost all of the subjects we are already teaching… science, math, language arts, social studies, health, art, physical education, music, reading, writing…

At OKAEE, we endeavor to bring you the latest and greatest resources that our state has to offer. This year’s EE Expo program will offer concurrent sessions on: The culminating activity at the 2009 EE Expo will be a journey thru the Oklahoma Trails exhibit at the OKC Zoo. This 8-acre exhibit showcases more than 100 animal species native to the ecoregions of Oklahoma. The exhibit also includes numerous artifacts from Oklahoma’s rich history. So put on your hiking boots and join us at the 2009 EE Expo as we go...


OKAEE Awards

Educator Registration Fee Waiver Application


Silent Auction

Hotel Information
