Oklahoma Association for Environmental Education
2009 Environmental Education Expo
Friday, January 30, 2009
8:30 am - 3:30pm
OKC Zoo Rosser Conservation Education Center
Agenda & Speakers
Tracking Across the Curriculum
As educators today, we all face the challenges presented by national education Legislation - you know, that 4-letter word "NCLB" (No Child Left Behind). The Important thing for us to remember, and share with fellow educators, is that environmental education doesn’t have to be "another subject to teach." Environmental education activities and concepts can be used to teach almost all of the subjects we are already teaching… science, math, language arts, social studies, health, art, physical education, music, reading, writing…
At OKAEE, we endeavor to bring you the latest and greatest resources that our state has to offer. This year’s EE Expo program will offer concurrent sessions on:
- Using animal tracks & molds
- Storytelling
- Children’s literature
- Gardening
- Interpretation
- History
The culminating activity at the 2009 EE Expo will be a journey thru the Oklahoma Trails exhibit at the OKC Zoo. This 8-acre exhibit showcases more than 100 animal species native to the ecoregions of Oklahoma. The exhibit also includes numerous artifacts from Oklahoma’s rich history. So put on your hiking boots and join us at the 2009 EE Expo as we go...
OKAEE Awards
Do you know an exceptional environmental educator? Make their day by taking the time to nominate them today!! OKAEE will recognize excellence in environmental education by presenting the following awards at the 2009 Expo:
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- President's Achievement Award
- Classroom Teacher Award
- Outstanding High School or College Student Award
- Outstanding Organization Award
- Excellence in Media Award
Click here for more information and nomination forms.
Educator Registration Fee Waiver Application
The Oklahoma City Zoo is honored to be the site for the 2009 OKAEE Expo. Due to the generosity of the Oklahoma Zoological Society, the zoo's non-profit arm, the zoo education department is excited to announce funding for teacher scholarships to
attend the Expo on January 30th.
Please read the attached guidelines (PDF) to see if you qualify.
Also you can click here for a downloadable application (PDF).
Note: applications will be reviewed by the OKC Zoo.
This is a great place to network and get lots of cool environmental education ideas and goodies. Exhibits will
be set up all throughout the day of the conference. There are will be a representative at the each table during
scheduled breaks to answer any questions you may have about their part and resources they provide to educators.
Rental Cost of Exhibit Space:
*One Table (only one table per organization this year) = $ 100.00
(Two registrations and lunches are included with each table fee of $100)
If you are interested in reserving an exhibit for your organization, simply
download the exhibitor's contract,
sign and mail into OKAEE, PO Box 2382, Stillwater, OK 74076-2382. Then click on the
register online for exhibitors
and fill in the information. It's that easy!
All exhibitors will be able to set up Thursday, January 29th
from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm and Friday, January 30th from 7:00 am - 8:00 am. If you have any questions please contact Melissa Willis, conservationeducator[at]yahoo[dot]com.
If you are a Not-for-Profit organization, OKAEE is offering for the first time ever a place for you to exhibit
your organization for FREE!
Not-for-Profits (NFP) = one table per organization
NFP must register and pay for one person to attend the Expo, this will include one lunch - see
Participant Registration Form
If you are interested in reserving an exhibit for your organization, simply follow the instructions listed
above for typical agencies/organizations and answer the questions as a Not-for-Profit group. Be sure to fill
out both the exhibitors online registration form (organization info)
and the participant online registration form (self info).
Silent Auction
Proceeds from this popular expo event allow OKAEE to offer numerous teacher stipends each year. This year we will offer a selection of fine art and craft items for your buying pleasure. We still need donations so if you would like to donate an art piece for the auction, please contact Jessica Terry, tjdterry2[at]upperspace[dot]net or Joe Rackley, joerackley[at]gmail[dot]com
Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature. Cicero (106BC - 43BC)
Hotel Information
Holiday Inn Northwest, 6200 N. Robinson, OKC, OK, 73118. (405) 843-5558. State rate of $75.00 for double rooms. Our block of rooms will be released on January 23, 2009. You may book online at www.ichotelsgroup.com
Includes registration fee and lunch
Registration through January 21st (via mail or online):
$50 Regular Conference Registration or
$25 student rate (must show recent student ID card upon check in)
Late registration after January 21st (onsite only)
Onsite registrations will take place the day of the conference,
January 30th, from 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.:
$50 regular conference registration or
$25 student rate
Note: Late registrations won't be guaranteed lunch
EE Expo Archives